fu yu

And have your daddy hide evidence in a murder trial because fuck women.

That's more of her sister's bit.

She probably was just giving a cop or an executive a Pepsi. 

“manifest your dreams” In other words, be born rich and make a sex tape.

Who wears the highest heels; He or She? I assume she’s a she. Casey is a gender-neutral name. As is Ronnie, now that I think about it.

It’s an explicit statement of her willingness to help her son cover up a murder, being used as evidence that she helped her son cover up a murder. You’re right, it’s barely relevant, and I can’t imagine why they bothered to try to have it excluded from the proceedings.

I’m just trying to figure out why a woman in hot-as-balls, damp-ass Florida is wearing fucking evening gloves, in the daytime no less.

So there will soon be a law in Florida giving a special panel, hand-picked by Ron, veto power over all magazine covers sold in the state...

...except they’ll screw the law up and every cover will have a Disney princess.

Their problem is that of trying to appeal to that very small ivy league crowd that thinks fashion ended with Jackie O. It makes sense with him going to Yale and Harvard, but it’s very out of place for Florida. It’s also why he wears such ill-fitting suits. They still wear them that way among the 50+ crowd. You’d think

Her outfits are just...strange. I mean, she’s a conventionally attractive woman. A news anchor type. Surely she understands how to put together outfits that are appropriate-for-occasion and modern? Makes me think that Husband Meatball is flitting around her like an addled Fairy Godmother pushing her - “Just put the

The whole thing is outrageous but somehow I’m most struck by the, “If you say you hate my guts, I’d grow new guts” bit. Like, grow some self-regard, lady. So shocked to see this kid grew up to be a self-entitled abusive man when his own mother bows to him like a king. Fuck that shit. Didn’t even respect your ass

So a gazillion bucks spent on dangerous medical procedures and he still looks like a 45-year-old. Just one who’s had some work done and works out a lot. #isitworthit

He got all that done...and yet he looks like this:

Maybe don’t base your vote on something so simplistic.

You’re so bad at this. Delete your account. 

Wow the article writer is clearly showing their bias. Nevermind that heards evidence was questionable AT BEST and the literal mountain of evidence depp had proving he was being abused.

So, evidence like poop on the bed, etc. Doesn’t matter. Just her side of her claimed facts? She showed no remorse for things she did that was immature like cheating etc. Wow. The evidence doesn’t lie and she still acts like a cry baby for attention. Don’t see this out of any of his other ex’s nor him. 😂 Gotta love

According to those documents— although he had ten misconduct reports in prison, including battery and being under the influence, he was considered a “level four” prisoner, which indicates good behavior and allows for accelerated time [means he’s white in OK].

It’s very unprofessional to publicly insult your co-workers. Especially in an ongoing project like a TV show. She could have taken credit for protecting the character and doing punch ups on the material without putting down the writing, as lots of other actors do.