fu yu

When you hang with trash, expect to smell like garbage.

About time Dems began to play dirty. 

Gtfoh with this bullshit. You know damn well that this story (assuming it’s true) isn’t simply about someone “changing their mind about something.” You also know damn well that if Boebert simply had a “personal opinion” about abortion, there wouldn’t be a problem. Guess what, everyone has a personal opinion about

Vanity Fair needs a new photo editor...that looks ridiculously fake. 

I love J.Lo, would even consider myself a fan. But I’m also a realist and let’s be very real - J.Lo is an A list celebrity that will never have the awards to “prove” her A list celebrity status. Her singing is not deserving of a Grammy, no role in a movie she has done deserves an Oscar, no role on TV has deserved an

She in fact has contradicted her own testimonies in the UK case, which means she probably committed perjury there too.

I've been in the same situation as Depp and feel elated with the verdict.

As a man who has been raped before, men can be victims as well. She literally faked evidence and lied under oath and is now facing perjury possible charges in UK, US, and Australia. It’s not “believe women” it’s “believe victims”. Amber is the abuser, NOT the victim.

Yes, does not seem fishy to me... seems like good business!

Exactly, smart of her to do it now.

This is a simple securitization of future royalties and other income streams off his existing catalog. The buyer will GAAAH SWIMMING DINOSAUR sorry, pop-up ad...will make money off the purchase, and JT gets his JT Wentworth cash now. He’d make more over time keeping the catalog, but it’s not like he’s done releasing

yeah, if only “her” version matched “her” version.  how many times has she contradicted her own testimony?   I lost count.   Who was it that said: when you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything!

I would love, just once, when these abjectly stupid arguments are presented, for a journalist or judge or whoever to just take a moment of silence, take a deep breath, and ask the person, “Do you think I’m stupid?”

The movie made it look good! Makes me wonder if they spent half of the $12 million just sprucing up the film trailer so they could get a decent opening weekend.

Look at that picture. You’re telling me Chyna ever gives that guy the time of day if he has a different last name? She already cashed that check, so take care of the money you made and move on.  Yeesh.

Leave that poor Ukrainian grandmother alone, she’s had a rough couple of months!

She’s going to lose. Public opinion, including mine, has turned against her. She already got $7 million in the divorce, but it seems that wasn’t enough for this gold-digger.

Meh, I think imperfect ends when you slice a finger off your partner’s hand and abusive begins. Or when you berate your partner and mock him openly for being a man and taking a beating from you.

Well if it isn't the consequences of my actions... who'd have thought.

Only if it improves her aesthetic.