Bielsa Widow

My favorite scene of television maybe ever is Philip telling Yousaf tht he feels like shit all the time and they did a great job if calling that back tonight with Stan saying that he doesn't want to feel like shit. Goes to show how different they are and how different their jobs are.

Before going home cause he's burnt out.

The same Gabriel and Claudia who have been actively recruiting Paige (a child) into dangerous work for seasons?

The reaction to Tuan's call is a bit much. He callously endangered an innocent life? He was subordinate? Welcome to The Americans.

Actually, it kinda does.

Real quick, can you suggest some shows that don't star rich and famous people?

Soul Survivors. I actually snuck out of Jeepers Creepers to watch this and I should've snuck back in.

I stopped watching a while ago.

But that's (presumably) because you recognize that everyone else on the show is dumb as hell. They don't recognize this themselves.

Because the original news report was nothing and Maddow not only gave it a primetime spot but hyped it mercilessly. She knew that Trump + taxes = ratings and she exploited that for her own gain and that is on her.

Prioritizing information is part of their job.

Or they'll release tax forms when they need a distraction.

What's changed now that we know how much Trump paid in taxes 12 years ago?

Great headline for a show that's been out for two days. Are we really reaching a point where if you don't binge a television show immediately, you might as well stay off the internet?

The headline didn't specify "action" movie.

Pain and Gain.

I have to admit, that shot of an airplane falling out of the sky was pretty effective. Cause if there's one thing Emmerich/Devlin movies have shown, if the trailer's money shot is good, there's more where that came from.

So this movie actually has something to say about a war that ended forty years ago? We've fought i (many) other wars since then.

John Wick probably is a paradigm shift but I don't think it's a positive one, like how everyone loved what Greengrass did with the Bourne series until everyone else started ripping him off. John Wick's reliance on special effects makes the action seem very artificial, especially compared to something like the Raid or

It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you compare everything to Die Hard, then of course you're not going to like something like The Raid because they're completely different. Eighties action movies had a particular sort of aesthetic, based on either the megastar at the center or the auteur behind the film (and this is