The Biebster's got a P71 (Formerly not Justin Bieber)

The plunge has slowed here. It's at $2.61, down from $3.70 over the summer. I think it will dip below $2.50 but I doubt it will go below $2.

That's so undignified for a limo. I love it.

Six doors, too?

Have any jalops ever dd'd a limo?


For real though, the 76 is my favorite.

Bubble Brougham?!

I love the idea of Rallycross but we somehow don't really have anything around here.

My first car was a 1987 Dodge Ram 50. I bought it for $500 and sold it in worse shape for $900 to some rednecks that had come down from up north. I can only hope it's bombing around the woods or hauling crap but it's more likely rusting away in a field or hit a deer.

Holy shit this looks fun and expensive.

I bet with good safety test results this would do well if it stayed around the Chinese price.

Spheres? SPHERES?!?!?!?

Aggressively bad design? Must be a GM.

That's a charming car. I love the seats.

I'll be driving the Crown Vic all winter, just like I did last two winters. I think the most important things for driving a rear-wheel drive tank in the snow is to go slow, be aware of what you're driving into, and accept the fact that you'll probably get stuck once or twice. I have the benefit of living in a city…

What a cutie. I think 1.25 speed sounds most like an old diesel. Also thank you jalops for teaching me about Youtube speed adjusment

Wow, I didn't even know they could do that. The want increases. I would love to find a really, really clean one but they're all rust up here.

I totally forgot how bad the Astro was. Wow.

Yeah, but at least the Aerostar was cool.