The Biebster's got a P71 (Formerly not Justin Bieber)

Those are aftermarket seats. The stab plate is hidden inside the backs of the normal police buckets (They're not really buckets; more like a bench seat with the middle cut out)

I do not like the Hofmeister Kink on this car. Think about how dumb louvers would look in that shape.

God, those wheels are ugly.

I hate being called a millennial, I am not a fan of the Corolla or some similar car that's being used in these kinds of ads and I just want the car companies to stop micromarketing and sell the damn car. At the same time, I am also annoyed with BuzzFeed.

That's a Crown Vic. Were there no pics of black Marauders around? Almost all of them were black.

Is this the tiniest shifter ever? It looks worse than the stupid nubs in priuses.

I can't stand the taillights. It's really a shame they did them like that because otherwise I would be in love.

I love me some diesels. So much torque and so much particulate emissions.

I love me some diesels. So much torque and so much particulate emissions.

Whyyyyyy do the wheels have yellow rings?! That's the worst part.

This looks like something that was red or brown painted over with one coat of cheap white paint

Please test this extensively for us. Also, will it baby?

Ford needs to build a competitor.

Is that a custom addition?

Shit, those wheels are ugly as sin.

I want them all. Even the Imperial.

It's a lot fresher than the anti-AT crowd's schtick though.

This looks like a big screen with a lot of space for bullshit.

The little Subaru. WOW.
