I waaaant it
I waaaant it
So now have they actually added even the slightest bit of driving feel or damage? If not, I do not care. GT has always felt way to arcadey for me.
I like it, but I'm still not terribly impressed.d
IMHO, It is literally one of the ugliest cars EVER. It looks especially terrible in white.
I feel like if Lamborghini had given their blessing, it would have a badge on the nose.
I had a friend who drives an Outback try to tell me that Subaru is an Australian company.
I would say Shuttle is more fitting than Odyessey, especially if you think of it like an airport rental car shuttle.
Holy shit, they still make that?
And it looks pretty good.
I was just about to say exactly this.
Better than the R-Class.
That's a nice Aerostar.
HEY. I was built in Wisconsin and I'm alright.
Why are they using a physically disguised car? Also, I can just picture how great this would work on an American highway where every 5 minutes half of the cars suddenly slow down. Yeah, no accident potential there.
That's one of the nicest widebodies I've ever seen.
Wisconsin has the 4th highest amount of DUI arrests and 20th population.
-Colder parts of the US are more rural, so a lot of people don't have access to public transportation
It's possible there are belts for 4 in the back but it really looks like there are only two seatbelts. And the front is two separate seats, but they form a bench. There are two armrests that fold down for armrests or up to be the back of the 3rd seat.