The Biebster's got a P71 (Formerly not Justin Bieber)

Shhhh. I know all of those things are true but you can't stop an fanboi from fanboiing.

If they made a platform for the new Town Car, they could share it with a new Crown Vic. Win for Lincoln, win for people who love Vics.

The 1st gen Toyota Sienna holds a metric shit-ton of stuff in a pretty small footprint, especially compared to later-gens and most current vans. Also, fully loaded inside, with a loaded roof rack and a loaded bike rack, and it barely struggles. The V6 is just right for that van.

I must say, the engine bay looks pretty good with the body-color cover.


I would bet that it's pretty rusty, considering it's from Chicago and I imagine a lot of regular maintenance has not been done to allow more money to go to those horrible seats.


So impressive.

*cough* Crown Vic *cough*

It's a little late, but I'd like to suggest Jaques Tati's Trafic, which it definitely a car movie in a different sense, but I would definitely argue that it is a great car movie.

Least Expensive

Now playing

Better than the automatic brakes on their cars.

My car was blue and now it's black. So I guess I became a better driver.

I'll admit that the Jeep looks better in the picture at the top of this article than it did before, but it doesn't look "good," it just looks boring instead of terrifying, like every other rav4scaperoguecr-tucsontoguelander


I fucking love stories like this.

I don't like the headlight. I think the whole front end is a little too much. I want to see what the fleet models will look like with steel wheels and black plastic.

I don't think I like it much. I might come around though.

I don't remember posting this...

I'd drive it. That's awesome.