The Biebster's got a P71 (Formerly not Justin Bieber)

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! I love that his model for the badges is a Crown Vic. :D

Bahaha. I love them. Lots of people around here with 80's Toyota pickups have modified the tailgate letters to say any number of things. I already know someone who modified their S10 badge to read PoS10.

No contest. It goes to 90's Ford Teal. Inexplicably, my grandparents had not one, but two wagons in this color, and we had one for a while. Most of the FoMoCo colors were bad then though, like the magenta. But teal was the worst.

All of our parking enforcement vehicles are RHD Jeeps. Current gen and last gen. Theyre pretty cool.

I like it for the novelty factor and the luxury, plus I like Troopers anyways. NP.

This was an awesome article. Thank you.

I agree with you, but unfortunately, in the public eye, angular and simple = poor gas mileage = bad. If it doesn't look like every single part went out of the Apple factory and straight into an air tunnel/sphincter, people seem to assume that there is no way it can have any modern technology or an efficient engine.

Did anyone else see this?

To be honest, I'm disappointed in Jaguars customization options.

I agree. Also, I have small fish eye mirrors on my side mirrors and they really do cover the whole blind spot.


I think the fact that you can not see out the back dissuaded a lot of people.

I was going to say something very similar. Simply, I am also part of "Gen Y" and I hate all the cars targeted at my group. Hate. Hate. Hate.

ESPECIALLY #6. Honestly, how can you post an ad and not even spell the NAME OF THE CAR RIGHT? IT'S WRITTEN ON THE CAR.

Awesome. I love the town car.

I honestly don't understand the need for cheap new cars anywhere except places where there just were not cars. You could buy a fantastic used car for 6 grand anywhere in the world.

You need to work on your license plate blocking skills.

Nominate every car ever. You're sure to have a leg to stand on when you claim that you're the true suggester of a car on the list.

The office I worked at this summer was just out of town so I had to drive on one of those TERRIBLE roads where the speed limit is like, 50, but there were still a ton of stoplights. If I got there on a bad day, and got every red, which was very likely because they were timed incredibly poorly, I would average like, 12

Clean it all and take pics.