The Biebster's got a P71 (Formerly not Justin Bieber)

Videos in portrait. No.

"Below is a video of some of the stunts performed during the ride." Read the article. Watch the videos. Then we can discuss.

Hey, crazy idea. How about motorcyclists DON'T speed, lane split (where it's illegal), and pull stupid stunts WHEN THERE ARE COPS AROUND WATCHING THEM. If you are riding legally and the cops pull their shit, you PULL OVER. Then you have done nothing illegal, and you can take any citation to court. Revolutionary, I

I couldn't sleep in my car if it was an Aston Martin Vanquish.

I hope the kids at least appreciate the cars.

Really, the text on the picture should be "BAJAJAJAJAJA"

Well, I don't really need those guys anyways, although I like the symmetry. So I'd have to get a prosthetic, but otherwise yes. Absolutely yes. Hell, take both if you throw in a cheap SUV for winter.

Eagle no contest.

"Justice is served"

Kia Amanti/Bentley

Wow, I've got to me honest. It took me a minute or 10 to get this one.

I lost it at Wingle.

Reminds me of my parents friend/musician Mike McAbee's 1968 Cadillac Hearse with a camper on top.

Wow, one of these just popped up on my Craigslist yesterday and I almost submitted it. So cute.

American sirens are just ridiculous and all over the place. They sound like arcades. I love the olf fashioned sounding French ones though.

especially considering it's an Excursionized Tundra.

That bumper is actually super badass.

Around here.

That's the ugliest thing I've seen all day, and school started again today. Unfortunately people here will give up their patchouli to drive one, and that's no small matter. Is it still vandalism if I'm fixing something?

I knew I saw the Wisconsin license plate peeking out! It's not as bad as the thumb over the plate.