The Biebster's got a P71 (Formerly not Justin Bieber)

I hate local Subarus but I do love the cars for the reasons shown in this video.

Why can't a cheap car just be a cheap car? No cheap car needs a touchscreen. Also, putting all that uneccesary technology in a car that is marketed to be someone's first car will make it a) impossible to fix yourself as young people should, and b) DISTRACTS DRIVERS WHO ALREADY DON'T KNOW HOW TO DRIVE WELL. Stupid,

I changed four bulbs on mine today. Easy as pie.

Oh, I didn't even see that. Good point. They could have changed that but it seems like that would be unlikely.

Are they joking with these pictures? I swear, they're going to tell us later today that they found the guy and it was Mario :( In seriousness though, I am very sure it's an Expedition long wheelbase, from looking at the article icon.

That's a beautiful car, but too expensive. I'd rather have a new 500.

That's got pretty good detail, actually. Ugh Raptors make me do this

Well, if I got some new ones I might be a little more motivated to hand down some of the old ones to my siblings. There's some I'm never giving away though.

Well, the thought means a lot :) I think I'm going to try to stop in to the nearby stores a little more often. There's a lot of cool models coming out now.

I keep a few on my desk that I cycle out a little. I roll them around sometimes. Right now it's looking pretty ghetto with the Omni and a beat-to-hell DHL VW van. hah.

I've got the one with the whitewall tires, gold grille, fluorescent yellow interior and rainbow sparkle paint. It's pimpin'.

Haha. When I got that one, it was my absolute favorite for a while. Unfortunately, I lost it after about a month of driving it, but my parents must have found it, because they set up a trail of clues that went through the entire neighborhood and led me back to it. Seeing it parked at the end of the trail was a very

I spent many hours bargaining with my friends in elementary school to try and get the whole lifeguard set. I think I traded an Enzo for the ambulance.

Johnny Lightning has done some sweet cars. I always loved the "real" tires. They also taught me how to spell Johnny right.

bklahbjgalfkjhfe;j hTHERE'S A RAPTOR!!1!!!1!!1!111!!!1! Ugh. My local Matchbox sections are always horribly understocked. I would literally buy every single raptor they had.

Don't judge me: This one has far more miles than any other car I have. It's my favorite now just because it was my favorite for so many years. Mine has, of course, not a speck of paint anymore, but it does have some awesome sharpie racing stripes from the Middle School days. I'd say if it were a real car, it would be

I've always wanted one of those :(

Crown Vic trunk.

Wow, the wood in that is actually beautiful. I normally don't like "Special Editions" or lots of wood trim.

I wonder why they targeted that specific car. Some kind of personal issue, maybe?