The Biebster's got a P71 (Formerly not Justin Bieber)

Why would you link to the crash test video with the shitty music, not the original one?

F250/350 extended cab. Late model. Maybe a King Ranch or whatever with the stripe on the bottom.

She looks pretty good for 91.

Correction: The Feds Are Looking For The Oregonian Who Destroyed This Awesome Nissan Skyline GT-R to Thank Him For Doing Their Job For Them.

I want one.

I was looking through the pictures before I read the words and I was honestly scared and shocked when I noticed the bed. I jumped a little.

#5: I love Stanley Roberts. He deals with douchbags really well.

#5: I love Stanley Roberts. He deals with douchbags really well.

LOL at the rednecks in a Tundra, of all things. Although I'm not surprised they kept up for a little while. I've driven one just like that and it's surprisingly quick (and agile) for the absurdly massive size that it is. (The extended cab (which is really a crew cab) with the long bed doesn't fit in a lot of parking

LOL at the rednecks in a Tundra, of all things. Although I'm not surprised they kept up for a little while. I've driven one just like that and it's surprisingly quick (and agile) for the absurdly massive size that it is. (The extended cab (which is really a crew cab) with the long bed doesn't fit in a lot of parking

Where can I get this now?

Down to $395 now. I have to say its worth that just for the side opening hood.

We used to have an '88 non-Turbo. It was awesome. Purple with purple leather. I really want another Supra, especially a Turbo, and they seem to be fairly cheap around here, even in short supply. None as nice as this though.

I have a 10 minute drive on an empty highway and a V8. How could I make it less bearable?

I can't see any words, pictures, or comments.

I can't get past the hood. It looks so...trashy. I can't understand why they would do that.

You really can't go wrong with a vehicle AND giant drills for $500.

Have our findings been reported to the authorities yet?

It's definitely this one. The center cap missing was the final hint.

"Triple666" So...the boat is called "666666666"?