The Biebster's got a P71 (Formerly not Justin Bieber)

And when they got injured, that would be it. I bet there was not a whole lot a 1912 doctor could have done for high speed toboggan wounds.

Also the Vics weren't able to keep up with changing safety and environmental regulations.

My stepmoms kids are 7 and 9 and they do things even more retarded than that.

The E63 and Panamera in the Hertz Prestige Collection can definitely haul ass. The Tesla too.

This man should obviously not be allowed near any nice car though. He's got a substantial stockpile of Deloreans there.

If nothing else, it sounds fantastic.

My current car is a 2005 Police Interceptor, and the front speakers were disconnected for radio use. For some reason, the police outfitter decided that instead of unplugging the speakers in the standard place, they would just cut the wires somewhere in the vast metal-wrapped chasm that is the dashboard. So instead of

The Subaru greenhouse just does NOT go with the BMW rear.

1989. I can't even believe it. The Miata has aged fantastically well.

I don't think they should press charges. Obviously cashing his checks was illegal but the sadness really is the biggest part.

I make noises like that sometimes when I'm pushing a shopping cart. But...more quiet.

I'd say designing gauge needles is not so bad. The owner will look at them more and pay more attention to them then say, the taillight design.

More evidence of insurance fraud comes from a commenter on the news article:

Do they have a Russ Darrow out there?

Are you still in Madison?

He got distracted by the Maserati...also: "Oh shit, damnit." was not enough for the situation.

Whyyyyyyyyy can't we have it?! When do we actually get the Transit?


I'm shocked by how well the bank and gas station took care of it