The Biebster's got a P71 (Formerly not Justin Bieber)

The way she ran you can see she definitely needed the crutch.


I hate Chrome. It's slow as shit and there's not enough buttons and menus.

Heel yeeeeaaaa.

Flat black -> Can't wax.

Beautiful. I love the CLS in any and all iterations. Even the "Shark".

Jalopnik readers don't really like changes, but I don't see the point of this at all. It's actually bad.

I'd buy it. With only 151,000 it would run for the rest of my life and that of whomever inherits it, too.

QOTD and QOTW really don't work with this system. I don't like it.



The corner of Hooker and Pleasure in Madison.

How are there more Seconds than Firsts?

I don't understand how it would be so expensive, and that body kit is TERRIBLE.

I agree (See my other post here) completely. So many kids at my school have totaled their cars like the Dart, and their parents just buy them another one. I think the Dart is kind of cool, anyways, but it really falls into the spoiled kid zone, at least in an urban area. I can definitely see how it will likely sell

I as well. I worked all summer to buy my first car with no help from anyone in my family. Then I drove it to school where kids with court issued ankle bracelets were driving around in Magnums and Challengers that their parents bought them. Like, 50% of my school is very poor, 30% is normal middle class and then the

In my area (Central Midwest) I have only seen them in high school parking lots.

Correct. Also, high school parking lots is where I see most 200s too.

All I do with cars is read Jalopnik and post pictures of them on Tumblr because I don't have the time or money to do any of the things I want to do.

Pretty much only spoiled teenagers will get these cars new.