
Trump’s legitimacy is going up? Nope, sorry. Trump isn’t any more legitimate now than he was before he decided to wreck America even further. He’s an ass now, was an ass before and will still be an ass after the elections, albeit a non-residential ass.

Um... 85 000 thousand tons? That seems like a hell of a lot of olives. Where would they even store that quantity? Are you sure it’s not 87 tons or 87 000 kilos instead?

Interesting read, but Patron still makes meh tequila at best.

Damn, I saw these guys at the Geneva Car show a few weeks ago. I had absolutely no idea about their very cool story. Thanks for that!

Dude, microwave your sponges once a day (squeeze as much water out of them first) and replace them after a a week’s use.

Call him criminal if you want, history will judge you later. It doesn’t matter that the programs were authorised or not. They went way beyond what any government should be allowed to do to its citizens. Snowden did the only thing someone in his position -that of a guy who knew he wouldn’t live more than a few hours if

Dude, that’s a really long post just to show that you’re completely missing the point. Nowhere in the constitution does it say that unbreakable encryption is illegal (first thing), and said constitution says even less about forcing a private company to unlock unbreakable devices that are sold perfectly legally in the

Dunno about the rest of the world, but if there’s a constant anywhere, you can always count on France to jump in on the FBI’s or the the British governments freedom killing ideas. Brain-dead assemblyman Eric Ciotti drafted an amendment this week that provides for multimillion dollar fines for hardware manufacturers

Lady, can’t two grown men have a night of passionate man-love and not have to elaborate on it? Geez...

You do understand that Sindelfingen is in Germany, right?

To be honest, I can’t envision a world where having less delivery van drivers, taxi drivers, bus drivers and Uber drivers would be a bad thing.

Am I the only one wondering why the New York Times hasn’t already published an op-ed blaming the incident on a Palestinian?

You hit the nail on the head, sir! As the owner of two shitting cats, with their litter box being next to the front door of my apartment, having such a device immediately in the vicinity of it to alleviate said shit smell would actually be pretty cool and practical, because, as anyone who owns a cat will tell you,

As the owner and user of professional-grade Wiha and Wera mini driver sets, there’s no way in hell iFixit’s kits can compare quality-wise, but the selection of tools they pack is pretty close to perfect for servicing electronics and it costs less than 70 bucks. German-made tools are far more expensive and will last a