
You're a dick.

I think it's going to be available on after the theater run. (BTW interesting note: the episode was released theatrically in China, where it knocked down The Force Awakens on the box office charts!)

They've gradually upped the references to the drug abuse as the seasons have gone on. (Warning, this ended up way longer than I thought!) As Tnagra noted, in the first episode, Lestrade wants Sherlock to return some evidence and so threatens to toss Sherlock's flat for drugs. Sherlock says he's clean, and Lestrade

I've heard good things about Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. Maybe I'll check it out!

Oooh, that's really interesting!

Haven't other reviewers said they don't choose the letter grades, or am I misremembering? (I agree, the review does not reflect a C+. She didn't like some parts but raved about others, whereas a C+ is usually reserved for episodes writers just don't connect with at all.)

I don't recall ever seeing Allison Shoemaker's byline at the AVClub before, so can I just say that I found this a terrific review? (Especially after the notorious trainwreck of Genevieve Valentine's reviews). I thought the episode was brilliant, but at the same time I can complete see Allison's criticisms - plus she