
Moriarty and their adventures, Moriarty. Forever and ever Moriarty. A hundred years Moriarty. A hundred days Moriarty forever a hundred times. Over and over Moriarty!

Half-brother. I'm saying it now. It would make Jamie's sexual/romantic tastes even more amusing; would indicate a visceral reason that matches the comparatively visceral act of killing Sabine and gunning for Morland; would explain the indescribable expression on Vikner's face when his bid to sue for peace is turned

I wouldn't be surprised, either, Nigerian networks being what they are. Alas, I haven't attended any Nigerian events (barring an uncle's wake-keeping) since /whisper/ leaving my church. But I'm looking at the date and I'm gonna guess there were a lot of pink/red silk-covered chairs at this wedding hall, with

That's my life too (Nigerian in Texas, growing up marinated in the church as well - and you'd better *believe* Christianity adds another layer of finger pointing and dissociation). What a mindjob.

I like that both Jamie and Sherlock have had seconds-in-command (Sebastian and Joan), and now one might even regard "Cassie" and Kitty as their scions - as far as their respective life's works are concerned.

Don't forget Joan's mom and her Alzheimer's

Wait, when was Joan a victim of sexual abuse? I know she had a shitty boyfriend who did not want to get help for his problems (can't recall if it was drinking or gambling or some other addiction), and had a way of wheedling before resorting to blame and vicious talk if that didn't get him what he wanted.

Especially when surrounded by 2 of his countrymen, whose characters allow them to use their actual accents. It reminds me of Stephen Fry's interview from his time guest-starring on a Fox show. He'd meet Hugh Laurie for lunch on the lot and Hugh, being between scenes as House, would lapse in and out of his American

I know when he mentioned Irene, I whispered, "Bruh, why are you telling her this?" in a pained voice. I'm almost certain something is going to happen to Andrew down the line, and combined with the fleeting thought that Bella (or someone with access to Bella) might siphon what little Sherlock told and intuit from there

I feel like it was more of an unfortunate but logical coincidence. Sherlock often does things that he subjectively does not enjoy, but does them anyway (with great gusto) because he finds objective merit or curiosity for them.

Which would fall in line with the older sister not wanting to take her gross little brother across town to Mom's house - what if someone sees them together? Ugh, Dad, get real.