
"…Whoa. Somebody just played this FOUR TIMES, or they played it twice, and it's a REALLY long song."


The XTC song-by-song retrospective book explicitly notes that they're legally prohibited from talking about that particular song due to their settlement with the guy.

Nah, the Old Ones do NOT want the story changed for the sequel. There's a reason that Halloween III is kind of forgotten. The Old Ones want more of the same.

I was kind of thinking, The Ones Whom This Is In The Service Of always assume that there's going to be another one, whether it's got a solid end or not.

Ben Jabituya by a mile. I love Short Circuit, but goddamnitsomuch.

Hey, that wasn't the ONLY role he gave women in that! There's also "inexperienced tyro … who's also a sex hole, yeah, granted. but she doesn't know anything!"

THANK YOU. Political organizations/disorganizations (and make no mistake, GG/SP/RP is a political group) are joined by choice

There's a move adaptation that was made by a libertarian think-tank studio. (The impression I have is that they DID care about making a good movie, so it's still head-and-shoulders above Atlas Shrugged : The Crowdfunded.)

"Lucifer's Hammer" - you get both '70s sexism AND '70s racism!

Kinda-sorta - I regard even those two as less hard-right than, say, Ringo and such.

Beale's been stumping with both and tried to get the GGers up in arms, and then Fake Ovaltine decided to add his two pence as well.

I suspect they thought that, which as Natty points out is incorrect, $40 was over the buy-in for trollery and shit-assery. I'd have thought likewise until now.

"Because SJWs make puppies sad" is the explanation I've heard.


I wasn't even going to try, then figured "Oh, why the hell not" :

You win.

Beat me to the punch - I was going to say NICK. FUCKING. LOWE., but that nails it just as well.

Well, THAT'S redundant.