
Alternate title-

Hey hey hey, slow down there bud. We don’t want to overcrowd the storyline...

During which four things happen.

Never forget, Newt was the guy who literally served his wife divorce papers while she was recovering from cancer surgery. And then cheated on the women he left her for (and married) with the woman who became his current/3rd wife. And once told a girlfriend that he could only have oral sex with her (him receiving, of

Looks like one of those wax gorillas you get from the vending machine at the Zoo - on a really hot day.

That actually could’ve been a pretty clever line, to call the apartment “herpes duplex type 2" or something.

And the 50% casualty rate....

Help! Help! I’m being repressed by flaming radioactive breath!

Also it is a hereditary title or elected? does it have actual power or a figurehead? Is there a monster parliament where they debate the annual finding the King of the Monsters gets? Does being a King require any duties?

Who made him king? Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic lizard ceremony.