
ALL of this. Thank-you.

“ unforgettable sight.”

One of the ‘lost’ regenerations.

No love for Spider Jerusalem’s Bowel Disruptor?

The failed Jar Jar Binks Fleshlight ~ Lucasfilms’ first (and last) foray into licensed sex toys. I remember it well.

Really needs to find a better tailor. One who knows what ‘Made-to-Measure’ means.

Damn. When I saw this piece, this song was the first thing that sprang to mind.

This sort of thing really instills confidence in Musk’s Hyperloop...

The Warriors’d kick the CRAP outta these losers.

Aw, who’d want to strangle an otter?

Behold ~ the Chromoite from 'The Outer Limits', upon which I first set eyes as a three- or four-year-old (while my mum effectively over-dosed in an adjoining bedroom) and which haunted my sleep for YEARS afterward. I thought it was made of butterscotch...melting butterscotch...and, thus, avoided that particular candy.

Yes, it still hurts. And, NO, I haven't forgiven Channel 4.

Not a TV show, and certainly not my childhood...however distended that period may have become in the ensuing decades...but Deadpool pulled me through one of the hardest epochs of my existence. I had $20.00 to see me and mine through a month in grimmest Detroit, and, if it hadn't been for Wade and his idiot antics, I

Helluva lot better than the new Superman t-shirt & jeans combo.

<bow, scrapes, tugs obsequious forelock to my liege, the all-knowing internet guru> I shall endeavour, in future, to express my approval in a manner more to your liking.

Dear oh dear ~ panties in a bunch, much?

...and you, sir/madam, win an Internet!

Thank-you for saying what I've been thinking ever since they introduced that jumper ~ it even looks slightly moth-eaten.

Inasmuch as it did hint as some kind of conclusion (albeit, a rather disturbing one, with the most sympathetic character suddenly cast as the ultimate antagonist), I suppose the ending we got will have to suffice.