
god, i love puling this out:

I’m really glad that the state that had the bottom ranking for popular votes for Ralph Nader was also rated bottom for lack of seat belt use. It makes total sense, but I never would have thought to combine those two variables!

They couldn’t just call it “White History Month?”

White supremacists should be offended too, if they consider themselves to be patriotic. The Confederacy seceded from their beloved country that gives them the 1st and 2nd Amendments that are their lifeblood, and then fought a war against that country they feel so patriotic about.

“it is important for all Americans to reflect Upon our nation’s past, to insight from our mistakes and successes, and to come to a full understanding that the lessons learned yesterday and today will carry us through tomorrow”

The irony here is that it is exactly the failure to DO this by a lot of raging

Isn’t it Confederate Heritage Month everyday in Mississippi? Seems redundant.

Now mind you, it’s BEYONCE who is being racially divisive and preventing us from moving on from the past.

Donald Trump may be elected President in November. There is literally nothing that surprises me anymore.

I think it is rather telling that the ultra-orthodox are exempted from military service, and then go around acting like this.

or make them buy 2 seats.

Any religion or subset of a religion that basically backs the idea of women having cooties shouldn’t have a voice in, well, anything.

Somehow the plastic is an effective barrier, but the thick layer of metal cannister that is an airplane fuselage isn’t?

Religion makes no fucking sense, man...

Also, if your religion prohibits you from interacting with literally half the people on the planet, your religion probably sucks.

It amazes me that a country that had female combat soldiers for so many years has a significant population with this kind of attitude. The older I get, the less tolerant I am of using religion to justify bigotry, misogyny, or neurosis.

Finally. If your religion prohibits any sight or incidental contact with women, maybe you should stay home. We certainly won't.

Charlotte was worse.

Because IQ has absolutely nothing to do with how receptors in your eyeballs perceive light in certain situations? Not to mention the varying levels of color blind people who exist in real life?

Carrie always was the fucking worst.

If your management/whoever you are “proving yourself” to changes often (whether or not it’s under your control), this can constantly “reset” the clock. That becomes exhausting when you’ve been proving yourself for years. This was recently my problem and as soon as I was finally able to stay under a single manager for