
Most white people don’t actively fight to eradicate inequality and injustice because they usually benefit in some

Books are good, characters are good, plots are compelling, tension is high... and also I don’t have to keep butting heads with random sexism and stupid shit like that. It’s great!

T’Challa’s cool and all, but everyone I know who’s seen the movie walked out of the theater wanting to be a Dora Milaje and that’s telling as hell. Okoye’s the GOAT.

Black Panther really has an amazing confluence of extremely well written female characters and wonderfully talented actresses portraying them.

Why didn’t he wear a blue sparkly belt instead?! I watched them compete last night and got all mad about this costume again. Her dress is one of my favorites, and his just looks like such an afterthought!

His was so bad and hers was so good!

Robin Hobb is nothing if not a powerful writer. I highly recommend her Farseer trilogy, starting with Assassin’s Apprentice.

I’d put Ann Leckie and Connie Willis on that bookshelf :). When I was reading the Ancillary trilogy and Blackout/All Clear I kept hearing Le Guin’s voice in the background of those books.

The Dispossessed, Left Hand, that story about the women going to Antarctica, Earthsea—including, yes, the later books, and, yes, that letter.

Sigh, she shares a bookshelf in my office with Octavia Butler—now who’s left of the tough women writers? Robin McKinley and Patricia McKillip write beautifully, but they’re not

Yeah they’re not going anywhere near that paper with all them words on it, they might end up being legally bound to do something.

Why didn’t they go with “moldus”, which was the translation of “muggle” in the French version of the books? Using it would’ve made more sense to me than using a translation of the American term. My French Canadian heart is sad, now :(

Right, so the reason behind this is that the US has a visa waiver with most countries (which Europe is helpfully thinking of rescinding because our current Cheetolini keeps fucking up our own visa waivers for their citizens) and that stamp or ticket you get when entering most of those countries is for — wait for it — n

I have such mixed feelings about Pete Souza’ work. On the one hand, these are beautiful, iconic images. On the other the hand, it’s impossibly painful to see them at this exact time. I’m trying to look on the good side, but it’s just painful.

I would add that there is absolutely no attempt to grapple with the actual, functional policies that are messing these people’s lives up. You would think that given how celebrated articles like Ta-Nehisi Coates’ article on redlining or reparations was, you might see attempts to imitate it rather than simply dutifully

Yep - some properties are just tailor made for an HBO-style limited series, and the Dark Tower is one of them. With as popular as that medium has become for serial sci-fi/fantasy/adventure, I’m honestly bewildered a movie was attempted instead.

Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency not in list of Best Shows. Your list is invalid.

I don’t normally engage people ecpressing anti-immigrant sentiment/xeniphobia, but I majored in Economics and am the daughter of two formerly undocumented persons. I walked across the stage at my graduation from UC Berkeley while my dad sat in an ICE detetion center over 600 miles from my parents’ home. Only 2 people

So like ... can I have maternity leave? Affordable prenatal care? Any treatment for my battered lady-bits after birth? Help with childcare? (My parents live very, very far away and I really like what I do for a living.) Will my daughters be able to get jobs where they won’t be harassed by their employers, or is their