
I am educated on those issues and have had sex with women though not through online dating, though I feel like, unintentionally, you’re making it seem like bi women are somehow inherently sexually damaged by our experience with men, whereas, it’s not like gay women are immune from cultural expectations around sex.

Gay women don’t get upset with you if you say you’re gay on the site? Or do you just say it upfront to them - “Oh I just wanted to avoid communicating with men and couples” once you start communicating, because I know a lot of gay women think all bi women are a bunch of insincere jerks. Thanks for the advice!

Ugh, that is really shitty. I’ve never had someone just say “you’re ugly” essentially, because usually dudes only want to force their boner feelings onto you, not lack thereof.

I’m late to the party so hopefully this gif will get your attention?

Where do I start? There are so many.

I wish I attended your wedding! If I ever get hitched, I’m stealing it.

“it’s what females have been designed for by millions of years of evolution, most women will feel the urge at some point in their lives, and remember I was positing Natasha as getting older — a woman in her late thirties minimum, so that urge might be getting urgent.”

Thank you. Watching Chicago and her Mama Morton scene? Drool. Yeah, she’s a mooonsster.

“She, like many women, regrets her decision.”

THAT’S my point. That is what she should feel bad for. That was the author’s point. She didn’t make that comment in relation to the blood that had been spilled. It was a strange choice to use the word monster in relation to her being sterile. I know her being sterile is connected but that was a strange way to go about

It’s the “monster” part that bothers me. I mean I don’t see why she can’t be sad about this or that it would be unfeminist to mourn the loss of motherhood, but is monster the best word choice? Infertile women are deformed, wrecked monsters? That’s a bit much.

Uh, you relax. I never said masturbation itself was sexist. Which is why I mentioned MRAs not men in general...

MRAs: Oh god, this just shows how vain and self absorbed women are, look at her, showing off her boobs to the world but she probably wouldn’t even talk to me *unzips fly, masturbates and then writes hateful comment about what a “slut” she is*

Thanks, yeah, honestly I think it took me so long because he has such a sensitive side of him at times that I pushed the memories of things like this. In reality, I think he’s very, very unaware of how his actions affect others and his warmth and sweetness over the months was more of him enjoying playing at a

You’re lucky! I can assure you it didn’t feel like settling at the time. But unfortunately it all turned out to be empty gestures to distract me. I’ll try my best to be more vigilant next time but all I want right now is to never date again, feather my nest, get drinks with friends, buy a vibrator and call it a good

All great points, haha. I thought I was being picky when we first met. I waited six months after the last guy and went on so many dates with so many men and was like noope, and met him and he was handsome, seemed smart, dressed well, had a sense of humor and seemed game for exploring the stuff I was into, and I was

Thanks. Yeah, the thing is, I shouldn’t feel sorry for him. He’s far more privileged than I am and has the connections to find a new gig. He goes mad over a couple months of job searches and is amazed I kept my cool and stayed optimistic after 8 months (while employed though). I know he’ll be fine, it’s just empathy

The parents thing was hard because he didn’t even acknowledge how big of a deal it was that I even asked him in the first place.

Thanks and I’m sorry you had to go through that. I feel what you’re saying on the career help front, because I’ve helped him with applications, but he hasn’t read a single damn thing I’ve written that I can tell, except before our first date. I even nudged him to read something of mine that I worked extremely hard on

The weird thing is, that even though he doesn’t want to for instance, meet my parents, something I’ve never done before with any man I’ve dated (he made an excuse but I can tell he just isn’t ready), and do other things that couples typically do after a certain period of time, I think he’d be insulted if I suggested a