
If he is cooperative, perhaps the two of you could take turns and make meals for each other? You could try making the stuff he likes, and he could try to do the same for you. Perhaps by cooking with vegetables himself, he will be less opposed to the idea.

Haha! That is my boyfriend's pet-peeve too. Do you hate it because it makes the kitchen look messy?

Oh boy. Descriptions online of the engulfing parent are weirdly similar to my mother - the golden child, overbearing behaviour, lack of boundaries, clinginess, infantilization. But I always thought she had an excess of empathy. So maybe her problem is something else.. Interesting to read something so similar anyway.

Our screen names are really similar! Or is it just me?

It is complex. I love painters like Ingres and Delacroix, despite the fact that their aesthetic was based on exoticism. Most aesthetics in contemporary fashion are rooted in problematic history and it is hard to separate the past from the present. UrbanNunEnthusiast made me think. Is it more problematic when the woman

By Essaydi? You can see her statement and photographs here:

You raise some really interesting questions. I think it is important not to underestimate the photographer's awareness of the message they are sending and the visual language they employ. Fashion photography in general is very complex and problematic (in my opinion), but I do understand your point of view.

It might not be a universal association, but Vogue are continuing a well-known visual tradition. Google "Vogue Morocco" and then "Orientalism Women" and you will see that Vogue continues to draw inspiration from this kind of imagery and are very much aware of it.

Of course black women can be photographed anywhere without it being problematic. But most photographers, and especially professional and good photographers, know how a picture will be read. The associations are not coincidental. And when I saw picture number 2, of Lupita on the sofa I was instantly reminded of the