
John got to see Camille’s scars bc he can relate to her. Richard can’t; she liked him, but slept with him to spite her mother. I understand why Richard’s feelings are hurt, but he can’t act like he wasn’t studying her like some manic pixie dream girl science project and THEN follow it up with calling her a ‘drunken

Richard walked in on his lover more or less immediately post-coitus with the teenage suspect in his murder investigation. He was not in a position to take a more comprehensive view of things.

Oh boy was that adaptation of Dark Places bad. The book was so tense, and the movie felt like a bad episode of Law & Order.

Yes, that movie was just awful. It broke my heart because I LOVED that novel. Everything about the movie did not work though, starting w/ the casting

I think it lends itself to adaption more than dark places did. man that movie was bad.

I’m not for a hot country second going to deny the hella racism in the RPDR fandom, but this is some tedious poisoning-the-well shit right here. The review mostly harped on her excessive Daenerys references. I didn’t realise Game of Thrones was niche African-American culture.

I a) already hate that the queens get to change outfits now for the lipsync and b) also thought that the joke was dependent on the outrageous outfit which makes it doubly problematic so the entire time I had my jaw set in the middle of the bar and just seethed. This episode was already in my bad graces for the SHITTY

And Ru HONORED IT AND GAVE HER THE WIN. So much for being inclusive, not that Ru’s done a stellar job of that this week what with her comments about trans people participating on Drag Race.

I watched that right next to a larger friend of mine who had just finished telling me about how a random guy had made fun of her for being “fat and ugly” on the street today. I was not amused by Shangela.

Ru’s wig wasn’t my problem. Where were her eyebrows?

The fatsuit thing was straight-up offensive, full stop. Because fat girls are so fucking funny, amirite?

Random ‘pinions:

This was not a good episode of Drag Race. The challenge was one of the worst-written in series history, ‘fashion’ on the runway was mostly a mess, there was no real runway breakdown from the judges. If it wasn’t for Shangela’s bonkers lip-sync choices, this would have been a real snooze.

I think the only smart thing Ru could do would be to have Season 10 be her farewell as the main host and just stick around as a kind of professor emeritus. For RPDR to survive it always needed to outgrow RuPaul since, let’s face it, a decade is long enough to do a TV show for and the wear is starting to show. I think