
Sorry but the Rotten tomatoes’ audience scores don’t mean nothing since some dickheads used the plateform to review bomb any show/movie that didn’t go their way.

Well that idea was already powerful in Bertold Brecht’s song & When The ship comes in from Bob Dylan  

(Then they’ll raise their hands
Sayin’ we’ll meet all your demands
But we’ll shout from the bow your days are numbered
And like Pharaoh’s tribe
They’ll be drownded in the tide
And like Goliath, they’ll be conquered )

It’s a

“The Crimes of Grindelwald has tons of incredible magic effects”.

Like, seriously ? It’s better thanwhat we see in the trailer ? 

Oh no, sorry he was pure garbage. 

Ain’t the pic a CGI rendering ?

This is 3d,right ? Why ?

The same for me.
LOST changed the way I looked at television AND use Internet.

I couldn’t name many other fiction of any kind (book, movie, etc) that had a similar impact.

The memory could grow dimmer but it does not.

Great, great article.
One thing though, plot holes doesn’t mean answers left answered.
I might be wrong but “plot holes” mean there is a huge problem with an explanation, that the explanation makes no sense.

Of course LOST had lots of questions lefts unanswered but they still managed to put a solid storyline with few

*How can one song (sorry)

I understand a part of your post but I really dont get another big part:)
I understand to read someone you love saying horrible stuff can be a bitter experience but (here comes trouble)to resume a lifelong relationship to other people is beyond me. Dylan gave a lot of his songs to other people and particulary

How exactly ?
How one song can describe a lifelong relationship to other people ?

oh and Maggie May is NOT a Dylan song.

Do you realise that Donald Trump might just be the strange monster from the Twin Peaks Glass Box ??!!

I did enjoy it either but i would have loved a darker or deeper story. This one is very simple. It’s quite ok as a story for the concept album but it was kinda disapointing as a comic book.
That being said, beyond the quality of the album or the comic book, the whole concept was an important step in Alice career

I’d say that while enjoyable, both Alice comics ain’t unforgettable. You can listen to The last Temptation album only and not miss much.
(It’s better than the Kiss comics though (but anything is better than anything that’s related to Kiss)).

It should have. The album is really great. (There is more to Alice than Wayne’s World)

Blown away by the effects ? Are you kidding ? It’s terrible CGI even on your photos and gifs.

I’m really sorry but it’s hard to get into the movie when all you see is 3d, 3d, 3d...

I really hope they do not do it strangers things style. I love ST, but it was really simple with no layers, no meanings in any way. The show never makes you think about what you have just seen. The bad bad guys just get shots in 3 seconds.
I really really hope ST does not become a reference in that regard. (a great

I didn’t know Io9 ever talked about politics.

You did a wonderful job covering this huge Comic Con.

About the trailers released, I do have one concern about this whole “Orange and teal” filter.

All trailers looked exactly the same.

Are we ain’t all watching the same movie over and over again ?

But i may have miss the irony in Nicole’s post anyway. English is not my primary langage.

Sorry if i offended you. It was not my intention.

I was responding to post. Someone didn’t understand why IO9 didn’t like BvS and liked this whole women-thing Ghostbusters 3. Like there were some kind of secret agenda behind this review.

I know loads of people liked BvS but it seems kinda strange to be in anger with a