Between Erik and Bradley's horrendous takes, I'm that much more thankful The Drive exists.
Between Erik and Bradley's horrendous takes, I'm that much more thankful The Drive exists.
The current Turbos and the V8s before that were spectacular trackside, so electric would definitely impact the experience, but with battery development allowed they would be quite expensive, but also much more interesting than Formula E.
It’s about time NYC The Known Center Of The Universe gets the media coverage it deserves. It’s been several minutes since the last blog about New York, I was beginning to have withdrawal symptoms.
Cool. Are those temporary? We’re they put up nearly overnight? Were they built in city centers subject to manpower shortages in the middle of a pandemic? For cities as big as New York?
If I write the words and get the clicks, the reality of the situation doesn’t matter! Gawker 101.
entitled (comparative more entitled, superlative most entitled)
“I am a poor, sadly.”
This is a brave take to bring to a car blog. I actually agree with your general thrust, here—city streets should in general give more priority to people who aren’t driving private vehicles, now more than ever—but damn, it’s almost like you’re trolling us.
Project Binky is the only car show worth watching.
“Heated seats are like winter tires.
I’m more of a nasioc guy actually.. and in true Jalop fashion I didn’t even finish reading before I posted..
Or if it’s a small enough ditch/depression by the side of the road, just visit the shop on the way to work for a realignment. Not that I’m speaking from personal experience or anything.
This whole story lets me repost one of the classic Jalopnik stories about an STI saving lives.
Oh come on.
Under normal circumstances there is the seperation of church and state in media, where the editorial staff has nothing to do with the business side of things
‘41 Chevy Fleetline. Was a great car, car I learned to drive on and DD’d for several years. Sold now, but I still have a ‘66 Imp with a 283/powerglide I use almost everyday now.
Or you can write for Oppositelock where we have no salary, no resources and most importantly, no standards.
I’m an attorney working in Westchester. I’m local, I have an extraordinary interest in all cars, I daily the closest thing you could get to a Boss 302 from Ford in model year 2014, and I have absolutely no interest in either of these positions. What I am interested in is providing limited copy editing for your…
The Ideal Candidate Will: