Biased Plies

I think the Nissan Versa may have taken the beige crown from the Corolla, at least in its segment.

Toyota obviously sets the standard with the Camry and Corolla.

Good man.

It always takes a little while to populate; it was the same for me when I refreshed. Gawker systems and all that.

I see both as having been posted 11 minutes ago right now.

Safety glass is pretty excellent.

3 point seatbelts. Thank you Volvo.

Portrait filming would be much more acceptable if the youtube player adapted to it instead of cropping the hell out of it. Full screen the video and it's almost watchable.

Sir Jackie,


Potrero de los Funes Circuit in Argentina:

I figured I would get the spelling wrong. One thing I am fairly sure of though is that na-zdrowie is the Polish form of Cheers, whereas za-zdrowie is Russian. In Russia na-zdrowie has a slightly different meaning and the phrase is not used as cheers.

Ludicriously wealthy town wants to waste money on nice things? Schocking...


I was going to point this out as well. The stock wheels are great.

Valid point, but I think now we're just picking nits. :)

That is our disconnect, but does that make my answer incorrect? I think where I am, and probably in a good part of the north eastern US, my answer and reasoning are correct and very valid.

"I'm a Miata owner and I love the car, but the amount the Miata, E30, and Crown Vic (never going to understand that one) get mentioned adds unnecessary or warranted inflation to the price and is extremely annoying."

Canada, Ontario to be more specific. Definitely not the environment for enthusiast cars (or cars in general), perhaps even one of the worst.

I think NBs are becoming the car to buy right now, definite bargains to be had. Nice find.