
Yep and prolly won’t be voting anytime soon. 

I think you’re being a bit hostile. Love trumps hate dicksauce

Maybe he wanted to become along distance runner. Lots of long distance runners in Kenya

Didn’t know that Obama had a fake birth certificate. I thought that issue was resolved, why bring it up? Are you a doubter?

Not sure. Why do you ask?

What’s a white eyed devil? Do you not have white in your eyes.I’m not afraid to admit that my lungs are black as fuck. Cheer up bud

Or he could hang out with black pirates that kill. Criminals come in all colors, quit hating 

Bit racist, eh!? Or are special?

When did it become acceptable to call white people arrogant!? Does that not perpetuate racism? Is it ok when black people talk trash about other groups of color. SOUNDS LIKE BLACK PRIVILEGE