Okay that is actually a really good point.
Okay that is actually a really good point.
They forgot to take a picture of the plug in hybrid option I wish they’d offer to compete with the Chrysler Pacifica.
Counterpoint: never, ever fuck a cop. Don’t give ‘em so much as a handy.
I already go everywhere armed. If they tried that with me there would be shooting. My family has a long history of killing fascists and nazis, and I have no problem at all contributing to that.
There was a van mentioned.
Last time I checked, dragging someone into an unmarked vehicle without positively identifying yourself and offering due process is called kidnapping. Those scary Russians and Chinese you like to yell about used to do it all the time (and probably still do). Americans used to not support such things, back when fascism…
Using random, unmarked minivans to snag suspects off the streets, that is auto related. Considering my Dad has a random minivan, things like this makes owning a vehicle like that dangerous to those owners on top of it.
“He basically felt like we had lit his car on fire”...you did.
Grabbing a teenager and tossing her in an unmarked van over a vandalism charge is fucking absurd. She posed no threat to the public. The cops did it this way to intimidate other protesters.
The next step is to start showing up to protests armed. Shoot kidnappers, regardless of the costume they wear.
sTiCk To CaRs
No, you shut the fuck up you shit stain.
Pretty sure being outraged about illegal abuses of power, while perhaps considered political, is not "BS". Thinking it's chill to kidnap people is "BS" though, so consider that next time you decide to type before you think.
“Stick to sports!”
Her arrest.
No, this is a kidnapping, it just happens that the kidnappers will face no legal repercussions for their criminal behavior.
So you approve of Nazi era “arrest” techniques then? Like many people have told you, if that was happening to you, you’d be ok with being snatched off the street like that? Maybe do a little research into both Nazi era and Communist Russia era police tactics. Well, actually, they at least wore uniforms while they…
Just in case you missed my first comment, get fucked you fucking asshole. Fucking assholes like you are the reason this country is so fucked right now. Get the fuck out you piece of shit.
Nah, this person would piss their pants so fast they wouldn’t even know it had happened. Then they would go all Karen all over everyone and sue the shit out of everyone involved. Fucking assholes.