
Everyone knows the finest leather comes from Corinth.

Well we know it’s lies fabricated by Verizon, Comcast, and the other pathological liars.

5th gear - this is good and all dense cities/urban areas should be doing this. NYC’s will probably have so many carve outs as to be mostly useless but hopefully someone gets this right in this country. 

Yeah Isle of Man TT wasn’t the best race to bring up when talking about safety regulations...

Oh yes, because MAGAts are so tolerant of differing opinions.  Here’s one:  Trump is a narcissistic, egotistical, incompetent, mentally deficient, unqualified, hypocritical piece of garbage that we’d all be better off without.  Go ahead and pretend to tolerate that, though I bet it gets your panties in a bunch. 

Found the MAGA chud.

You choose to be a MAGA chud, and if you make that choice you chose wrong and should get dragged for it.

He’s bigoted against bigots, how awful.  Go find your safe space. 

You don’t sound like a triggered snowflake. Nope, no sir. 

There are hundreds of thousands of MAGA chuds who have no idea their beloved hats are made in China.

The universe tried to unbuild this, but somebody had to stick their nose in the universe’s business. I want no part of such hubris.

Guess what, cars break the rules all the fucking time too. Running red lights, rolling through stops, not signalling, certainly speeding.

The thing is, if a cyclist breaks the rules, or gets mad, or whatever, and hits your car, you get some damage to your car. If a driver gets mad and hits a cyclist, well, that’s a lot worse.

At first I was three hundred percent on board with this idea of a new Type Three, except ‘Type’ dosn’t really feel right in the modern vernacular so this double trunk electric VW would have to be called the Model Thr...DAMMIT.

The most convenient electric vehicles in NY do not need charging. They are available to the public, and powered by the third rail, which covers most of NYC.

Electric cars take up just as much space as fuel-powered cars.  

People have been predicting the demise of Tesla for over 10 years now. I wouldn’t write them off yet.

-Everyone else who knows how to actually build stuff decides to actually build similar stuff as the startup... While doing it better, higher quality, more accessible, cheaper, etc....