You should try the Creative play option then; it’s fully sandbox, with everything pretty much available (except mission play) and you don’t need to craft. All build options are available from the start.
You should try the Creative play option then; it’s fully sandbox, with everything pretty much available (except mission play) and you don’t need to craft. All build options are available from the start.
Yeah, you do have to go collect 30 whatsits more, but because the Cartel is also timed with the “Loot the Universe” event, it’s more of a two-fer: Go forth to an area designated for Legendary drops (this week it’s Pandora), mow down bandits in whatever zone you want aforementioned loot from, then when you’re sated…
It’s not just parents who find this article striking a resonant chord; it’s us no-kid families who work multiple jobs (in my case, as a FTE with an NPO, and as a freelancer). Game time is exceptionally limited for me - I’ll be lucky to score 6-7 hours a week playing on my XBone. Which makes me highly selective in my…
Do you know if we’ll be able to do the posters on consoles?
Dear Preds fans, remember this:
Someone please put in close captioning for when Macron speaks, a la the old Hitler video meme that goes around.... :) I think we deserve to know what he’s truly saying.
Not necessarily. I was silver last season at around 1850, and for some reason ended up at bronze 1300 this season despite going 7-2-1 in my placement matches. I’ve no idea how the hell that happened.
Did they talk about the local football team’s racist name as well? Because if not, f**k them.
Imagine if they had this for the Nintendo Virtual Boy when it came out!
If you tell me you’re deaf, I’m totally cool with that. And actually, that would be pretty rad to work out ways of communicating through that disability.
And I don’t blame you one bit.
Maybe so, but for someone like me, where most of my usual crew are off playing Destiny, I’ve got no one else to run with. I keep my headset off until I see the indicator that someone’s talking...turn on the headset (while on mute) to see what the deal is...and either retreat or go forward. I’ve been lucky to have…
Yeah, well, if my team of randos would just fucking use their mics so we could have some semblance of cooperation, then I wouldn’t have to cause mass panic by uttering those words.
Same here, very interesting. I’ve gotten pretty good at using the angles and upper arches/doorways to drop grenades - often more for denial/deterrent of enemy passage, funneling them towards my teammates.
I’m 50/50 with the Architecture series. On one hand, it’s cool to have 3D builds of monuments. On the shelf space, and both Star Wars and Marvel sets have priority. However, my wife and I bought 2 of the Eiffel Tower because it’s special to us AND it’s a pretty impressive (and technical) build for…
So when is the One getting these patch updates?
That Battlefield 1 Alpha clip....I’m betting they’re breaking NDA with that one. (I work under a lot of NDAs myself.) Game certainly looks pretty, though, and I don’t mind seeing more. But there’s a risk involved if that person chooses to submit such clips.
I hear ya. I’ve had several team kills using Junkrat or Pharah, but always lose out to freakin’ Torbjorn or Bastion.