Katya will go down as the fan favorite, with a lot of fans screaming foul like they did in AS1 with Raven when Chad won. And frankly, all four (Raven, Chad, Katya, and Alaska) deserved to win. Chad and Alaska just deserved it a little bit more.
Katya will go down as the fan favorite, with a lot of fans screaming foul like they did in AS1 with Raven when Chad won. And frankly, all four (Raven, Chad, Katya, and Alaska) deserved to win. Chad and Alaska just deserved it a little bit more.
I was Team Katya since they announced the cast but I'm not mad at Alaska winning. Aside from one week, she killed it every time. I wish they had crowned Katya but I can definitely see why Ru chose Alaska.
Okay so are we still getting a reunion? Surely if it were a live reunion it would've been filmed already and since they announced the winner, is there even a reason for one? We didn't get one for AS1. I know it was announced but unless they filmed it in secret maybe they abandoned it when Phi Phi bailed.
Let's face it: the only reason her and Alyssa made it as far as they did is because it took that many episodes to put them in a lipsync together.
I didn't think of that. I guess she did redeem herself a little.
Phi Phi absolutely doesn't deserve death threats. Doesn't mean we can't hate her anyway.
Can we talk about how Coco's two-in-one look is her taking off a jacket? Weak.
Then surely she isn't in the top 3. I doubt she would take that stance if she actually had a chance to win.
Oh she definitely has.
Oh you're right! I've been marathoning It's Always Sunny all week.
I know it is, and she probably wouldn't go back if they begged (which I'm sure they have).
Willam should be on AS2. Not Phi Phi
I was gonna say that too, but Chad and Phi Phi didn't really ever have it out. Chad even defended Phi Phi up until the reunion and she had seen all the nasty shit Phi Phi pulled.
She was nasty to everyone except Chad and Latrice bc she knew they would eat her alive.
They broke up DMV not long after Detox was on season 5, but at the time they were very close.
I'm not sure about Nebraska…If they're filming now I've seen her pretty active on social media.
Exactly. If Alyssa wanted rid of the real competition she would've taken out Katya. And the whole bit about her and Alyssa having the same shtick was stupid. Ginger isn't a dancer by her own admission, and they have entirely different styles of comedy. Is anything Katya is closer in shtick to Alyssa
I was under the impression that Detox was referencing her drag sister Willam, who Phi Phi also continuously came for. Sharon was based in Philly pre Drag Race
It was so disappointing. The first one was the movie I never knew I needed, combining my two favorite genres: cheesy shark movies and cheesy tornado movies. It was glorious. The second one was just as fun, topping itself in zaniness with super fun cameos. The third, it started to get old, defying the franchise's…
"Hollaback Girl" is widely accepted to be a Courtney Love diss track.