
Burleson: [Walks out of doctor's office with arm in a cast.]
[Frustratedly kicks rocks on sidewalk.]
[Jaywalks across street, oblivious to oncoming traffic.]
[Makes it across street and enters a nearby park.]
[Frowns as he watches kids and

Wife's voice in distance:

Craig James: Hey, Bieber fans, wanna buy a one-year subscription to Sports Illustrated? [pauses, smiles nervously] Seriously though, if I don't sell six of these before the end of the day they're coming to take my house.

Da da da, Da da da

Machado was able to leave the field under his own power.

So I put my hands up, I’m bitchin’ bout calls,

Seahawk fans: they have the arrogance of the Dallas Cowboys and the tradition of the Jacksonville Jaguars.

I had to watch that a half dozen times before I realized Richard Sherman was in it.

wow tits on blonde cheerleader HELLO


We have no idea who it was.

Update: It was Mitch Albom, pitching a sequel to The Five People you Meet in Heaven

Ricky, I think Fox News has an opening for you across from Megan Kelly. Europe isn't as diverse as the US? My god get out of the country. I travel to England, Spain, Germany and Japan on the regular all of those countries are diverse in age, gender and race. As for first weed then crack I could say the same thing

I hear a Macbeth monologue when I see this

This will definitely cost the driver a lot of doe.

My favorite part is when that statue went BAM-bi right into the bridge!

The driver paid deerly for his oversight.

Yeah, this seems like nothing to fawn over.

This sure doesn't buck the trend of terrible Russian driving being caught on video.

I guess now he's a maizeball brother.