
‘The one other white person in the world named Park.’ You really are showing your US-centtic ignorance here, aren’t you?

In the US, maybe. But her in the UK Park is a white surname. Not very many Koreans here at all. So the British casting director was going on her own experiences and preconceptions.

Sigh. One of the two casting directors isn’t American She’s British. Where Park is a common white surname. So she sees Park and thinks it’s a white woman. Based on her experience. Do you see?

One of the casting directors isn’t American. It’s not always all about you.

Yes I can. It’s a common British surname. One of the casting directors is British. Not a large Korean population in the UK so the Parks you come across there are white. The ethnicity is never specified and if the casting director didn’t have knowledge of another country’s ethnic surnames, a white woman is who she’d go

I agree. And as one of the two casting directors is English, and there isn’t a Korean population of any size in the UK, she would have seen the name ‘Park’ and thought ‘white woman’. There’s apparently no indicator of Mindy Park’s ethnicity in the screenplay. Park, as in Nick Park, Ray Park etc, is what she’d be

Well you need to get out more. Park, along with Lee, are both centuries-old traditional English surnames. As in Nick Park of Wallace and Gromit fame. It must be nice to be so certain in your ignorance.