OBGYN Kenobi

I teach my students about big problems vs. small problems. Is anyone hurt or in danger? Does it concern you? No? Then mind your own business. These white ladies need to get some Kelso’s Choices in their life. And yes, that is a reference to a frog that teaches kids how to problem solve. And, sorry for being late to

Well, depending on the level of their bodies reaction, it might not matter if there is the tiniest of tiny amounts of coffee. Also, there is a lot of bottled drinks. And they aren’t mixing their drinks in a toilet, so I doubt it is that bad. Some of their drinks and mixes are on the other side of the coffee grinder

Um, there are other drinks at Starbucks.

Why do you care so much about people wanting to eat gluten free, whether celiacs, allergy, intolerance, or life choice? I just don’t understand people who get mad because someone eats gluten free. Why is gluten free only okay if you have celiac’s disease? I just don’t get it. I like meat but I don’t mad at vegetarians

I’m out of touch, says the person that called me “a social jezzie warrior” for not wanting to soften history to make people feel good about slavery. And yes, books soften history and yes, you should not rely on them but they should be accurate even if they are boring. Here’s some links:

“Pushing a social jezzie warrior POV” tells me a lot about you. Pretty sure asking kids to think of positive things about being a slave is what we don’t need. Teenagers can handle the truth and softening what slavery was like will do no one any favors. And not sure why you mention Django? Pretty sure if you are worth

This might not come from them, but these book companies that sell books to schools, like Pearson, are softening slavery and other unsavory events. I’m an educator. I have seen it.

I remember when cops were supposed to be there to help the community and not just throw people in jail. I was surprised not too long ago when I was stuck on the side of the road with a flat tire. A cop drove by and kept on driving. I can change a tire but damn were’s the whole take care of your community. He didn’t

It is common to confuse racism with prejudice. When white people are called “white trash” it is prejudice because they are less affected and systematically have more safety and power. While calling someone the n-word or having horrible caricatures of their race, historical imbalance of power and continued imbalance of

The code red is to get the person kicked out. It is to get the managers to do their part and kick the customer out. As a 5'3" 125 pound woman, I would want backup. So the coding is there to do that. So why do you have a problem with it? And the coding makes things efficient. Managers know what is going on without

Yessssss. I can’t speak for all schools, but ours tries to get a number count. However, when dealing with elementary kids it is never going to be perfect. Moreover, our school makes the food without knowing what students have money in their account. So it is already made. Let them eat it. Deal with the parents don’t

I totally see what you are saying. I think the big problem is that some families that are eligible don’t get in the program. There are a lot of reasons from embarrassment (that’s why we’ll tell everyone about it and give the paperwork to everyone even if they came down from a helicopter) to believing that they

School counselor here, a starving kid is not a learning kid. I’d rather have them all have free lunch than some kids not getting the food they need and then not learning because they are hungry. Also, throwing away food because their lunch account is empty does not make sense. They are wasting more money by doing that

I had to explain to some of my family members that a gay marriage doesn’t mean they get special treatment. They literally thought that they were not paying taxes because they were gay or lesbian and getting married. Hear that sound? That is the sound of my head banging against a wall. Weirdly enough though, once I

I have a feeling that Trump only remembers people talking about Ronny, so he equates that as being awesome with the reporters and not because people wanted to hear Trump’s health evaluation.

VA once lost my great uncle and that was in the hands of better people. I don’t have any faith to begin with VA,’s gonna be awesome!

Missed two. Nebula and Shuri. Still hilarious.

I’m guessing you have never actually interacted with a teenager. Many of them are quite passionate. Sure there are few that would do that. But many are there because they care. Stop demeaning them. It’s not a good look.

I believe I got you now. Thanks.

Did you see the movie? He either helped or watch as these ships go to attack other countries including his own country. They didn’t force him, they gave him something that he could do. He was willing to help. I have a feeling you are just trolling.