
Never thought he looked that great on "Psych", but he's quite fetching on "Galavant".

I know. Watching it, I thought: wtf?

Maybe it should have been called "Farting Boner Corpse Movie".

Julia Duffy wins hands down for almost destroying "Designing Women".

Mike? I didn't think he was that bad, but I didn't watch many Community episodes featuring him.

Proofread! Proofread! Proofread!

Yes, it was the first we heard of the loose change baggie present.

You beat me to it. Astaire once said she was his favorite dancing partner.


So if they merge again, will the new firm name be Sterling Cooper Draper Pry- my bad: wrong show.

Maybe the Eli/Ruth goodbye speech should have been: "I still don't like you, but I now respect you. We both have evil machinations in common, though we use different means."

I thought the same thing about the Drewe house.

Thanks for responding. Let me know what you think when you see them. I think the first film is the best, though the second one is also enjoyable. The rest are trying to duplicate the formula with so-so results.

Message to Jesse: if you see only 2 films on your list, make sure they are "Adam's Rib" and "The Thin Man". Thin Man is a great murder mystery despite the comedy, and Adam's Rib is just damn funny, with the best Tracy/Hepburn pairing.

I had to look up her name. Then I remembered that Christine Lakin played the smart-aleck jock sister on Step by Step.

Luke usually leaves me cold, but I thought he looked cute dancing and singing the Omelet Birthday song.

Montalban was a matinee idol back in the day.

Saw it for the first time recently. Didn't see it in 1979 because fights were happening in the theaters.

Cush Jumbo will be my alter ego name.

Still creepy to me.