Well said
Well said
The fact is after she dug up and published Obama’s picture portraying he is a Muslim that story stuck and fueled the Republican party.
Bernie supporters are not personality supporters. In fact it’s not Bernie but his platform that draws the his crowd, the young, the old and everyone mostly new to Democratic party. But neither the DNC, Hillary supporters get this. A very few Democratic party gets it.
Hillary is just a slightly better evil than Trump.
Bernie has brought lot of independents and new voters. They will go back if what Hillary says does not interest them.
This has be all setup from the get go and when Bernie became viable they started bullying and rigging.
Meanwhile Hillarys ratings are dropping. Trump has now out done her in polls. On the other hand Bernie wins Trump by double digit.
Most delegates endorsed Clinton before the hey heard or know who all were running. The Democratic party had made up their mind the Clinton was their nominee from the get go thus thwarting any good candidates from running. This bullying has to stop otherwise like the midterms the general is also gone. You be reminded…
Majority of Sanders supporters will not come around. Wrong again just like most political pundits. Sanders was dismissed as a serious candidate from the get go in case u you have forgotten.