
As much as I love Hannibal, I don't know if I really want it to continue. For one, I loved that ending. Will finally admitting the darkness in him and pulling himself and Hannibal over the cliff was perfect. For another, Fuller has hinted at what the fourth season would be and… I don't know if I want to see that

When I die, I want Sigourney Weaver to choke me out with her thighs.

You can actually watch the first two episodes on Youtube.

Jackie Brown is my favorite Tarantino movie.

I like The Last Crusade the best.

The Eraser? Batman battled Arnold Schwarzenegger one time?

Yeah, if you don't want "silly" James Bond, probably stay away from Roger Moore. However, The Spy Who Loved Me is a classic Bond movie and For Your Eyes Only is probably Moore's most serious Bond outing.

I would take 1 new episode of Deadwood over a whole new season of Westworld any day.

Tarantino considers True Romance to be an adaption of an Elmore Leonard novel that's not actually based on a Leonard novel.

Not something Elmore Leonard would have done. WWED (What Would Elmore Do?). The writers lived by that.

Watch The Shield and Justified and after you will want Goggins to be in everything.

I love Skyfall. It is one of my favorite Bond movies. But I do agree that a few things could have been tweaked. They make a big deal in the movie that Bond is out of shape and not himself. But watching the movie you wouldn't tell. He is still fighting four bad guys by himself and winning. He crashes through ice into a

Holy shit! Always wanted to watch it. And my birthday is coming up…

One of the most brutal shows I've ever seen. And yes, the show got pretty ridiculous as it went on. I like to view Oz as this weird little Science Fiction show where these people are stranded in this location and we see how they interact with each other or how the react to different situations. Kind of like if aliens

I'm waiting for him to do a 1930s gangster picture. Seems like it would be right up his alley.

Sorry to hear that. My family and I had to put down our dog that we had for about 14 years a few months ago (around the end of February). It fucking sucks but things do get easier.

About Hannibal, Alana sleeping with Hannibal took my by surprise as well the first time I saw it but the more I thought about it, the more I was OK with it. Alana is the only one in the main cast that really knows Hannibal. They have worked together for a long time before Jack and Will even knew of him. I think Alana

I really enjoy it.

Eh, I like Collateral's more. I'm not taken with John WIck like everybody else seems to be (I haven't seen the second one yet). It was a great action movie… but I haven't really thought about it since.

Nice shout-out to Collateral (which I recently saw for the first time). But no mention of that fucking AMAZING club shootout? Hmm…