
Sayrna is meant to sell you crafting materials. 

Seeing how it is from Corridor Digital that would make sense. Niko and Sam make Corridor Digital and always show up in Node videos...

I have many issues with the current status of matchmaking, I’m a 4.1k Main tank player who has more recently taken advantage of the horrible system that currently exists. (I’ve been M/GM/Top 500 since Season 2 so I’m not some one trick climber.) Anyways, as a tank player I gain roughly 23-26 SR a game, I then played

Also as a note, if you are interested in learning more about how the system works, I implore you to take a statistics class. Even an introductory one should go over normal curves and it will make more sense as to why the system works.

As a player who has been ranked 68 and is currently 62, (…) this really isn’t the case of what is happening. As a primarily solo player I don’t agree with what you said. The reason why 2 wins is roughly equal to one loss is because you are above the curve. It actually simple