Stark Fist of Removal

I don’t care.

Or RT, where before the premiere, when only a handful of critics had seen the movie, it was at 55%, but now that people can see it by themselves, it sits at 62% by critics and 85% by audiences!

Goodbye. Good luck landing a real job.

But more importantly, Haley actually isn’t being honest with the American people about abortion because if she were, she’d instead be saying things like, “It’s clear that people really don’t want politicians making these laws, and I pledge to never pursue any abortion restrictions.”

Did they?

The civil fraud case against Trump is one of numerous legal snares the presumptive Republican nominee for president has found himself caught in over the last year...

First, polls are bullshit, always.

All of that to say that Alito and Thomas appear (to me at least) to have dispensed with even the pretext that they’re not just wielding power to reward their friends and punish their enemies. What these two people are doing is just an ongoing, naked abuse of discretion and power. It is categorically different than

It’s still absurd that this case even made it to the court in the first place.

...but oh my stars the grays suck!

Honest to God contender for least surprising allegation of dubious validity of this sort, ever.

And Nirvana has been sued for “sexually exploiting” the child featured on that cover. Not successfully, of course, but they were sued.

Never understood it myself.

Bellino alleges that her question about a song lyric upset Tyler and he forced her into a nearby phone booth. “While holding her captive, Tyler stuck his tongue down her throat, and put his hands upon her body, her breasts, her buttocks, and her genitals, moving and removing clothing and pinning her against the wall

Meanwhile, does any sane person really think Zack Snyder needed four hours to tell the story of mopey Batman fighting psycho Superman?

Batman V. Superman. Daredevil. Kingdom of Heaven. Waterworld.

For people who constantly complain about “rape culture”, they’re certainly excusing a lot of rape.

This conflict started way before October, 7th. It will only end when each side recognizes the other’s humanity and a two state solution is reached.

“It’s okay to murder children.”

Can you point to anything anywhere that suggests undergoing the major abdominal surgery of a c-section without anasthesia is “standard medical care”?