
Hawke was such an amazing protagonist, and not even just the Snarky!Hawke. Even the diplomatic, nice Hawke didn’t feel as forced as those characters usually do, but rather there was something sincere about them and their attempts to just do the right thing despite it becoming more and more difficult.

Dragon Age 2 is just amazing. I played it and was sneering at the re-used assets and rolling my eyes at the brown-ness and yet by the end of the game (despite the issues with the forced boss fight) I was basically immediately ready to play through it again.

I think Dragon Age 2 is disliked partly because it’s so easy to counterfactual what they COULD HAVE done if they’d had time.

At least among the Dragon Age community, the reception to DA2 has gotten significantly softer with time. Most recognize it as a flawed game that was strung together on an extremely tight development window. It gave us a couple of the best companions in the series and, IMO, has the most interesting protagonist of all

Definitely agree with you about Dragon Age 2. People got so laser focused on complaining about the recycled assets and calling the devs lazy that they missed how great the story and characters were. Sarcastic, smart-ass Hawke is one of the best protagonists ever. I was really disappointed when they didn’t give the

The best part about DA3 is that Varric is there. That says a lot about DA2. Also, Fenris is the best.

Everybody play Sleeping Dogs immediately. The steam version is constantly on sale and has everything.

I like Suikoden a fair bit, but it has two major flaws:

1. Its inventory system is pure garbage. Suikoden has no excuse, either, since there are games on the NES and SNES with way better item management. While Konami made the right call when it came to characters levelling up quickly, they completely dropped the ball

Suikōden I is baller, and Suikōden II should be somewhere on everyone’s top 10 JRPG list.

While not even close to one of my first RPGs, having got my start on the NES with the classic free copy of Dragon Quest, Suikoden 1 was definitely one of the rare games that made a real and lasting impression on me, placing it in a JRPG pantheon inhabited by the likes of FF6, Chrono Trigger, Phantasy Star 4, and Skies

Suikoden is probably my all-time favorite RPG and I hope kaname does something with it. 

It’s because, more often than not, pop culture depicts lesbian relationships with the intention of making them appealing for heterosexual men. It’s unfortunate, because it’s fetishizing WLW relationships in addition to purposefully discluding MLM relationships (because gay men are yucky to cishet men).

Liara is a woman. She uses female pronouns and identifies as a woman. The Asari are a monogender species, not agender, and they were purposefully designed to be a race of sexy alien women. To argue otherwise, especially if you’re citing in-universe evidence (otherwise known as “excuses”, like Quiet breathing through

Pop culture loves lesbian women, and really hates gay men.

I noticed the bias as well. Glad I’m not the only one. Media seems to be more okay with Lesbians than Gays. Not to downplay Lesbian representation that's important to but I feel like the fellas are being left behind and no one is speaking up for them.

How long do we have to wait? 

Is that even a guess at this point?  What annoys me is that they’ve managed to set an incredibly slow pace for “progress,” to the point where it’ll be five or six games before anything close to parity, assuming they keep to their current pace.

Close but Alois and Gilbert is just pure queerbaiting considering up until this point S ranks are exclusive to romantic relationships.

It is clear that the same sex romances in this game were written for heterosexual audiences. This is apparent in how weak Linhardt romance is, being an almost word for word copy of his romance with a female main charter. The outcome is very disappointing.