
So in order to trump this video game, Far From Home would have had to kill Peter Parker, then the credits start to roll....? And we hear Peter’s voice screaming “Wait, wait, what!??”

This art/animation style worked for Ren & Stimpy, gross fit right in. For this Disney stuff, I haven’t seen a lot of these new shorts. Watching the one in this article, I’m fine with the story and everything that happens, but for me it’s just the wrong look for the classic characters. 

This article’s summary of this research is so bad that it borders on willful falsehood. Here’s the actual result from the study:


Good riddance.

You might be onto something. I know that nothing puts me off buying a game near launch like the knowledge there’s gonna be a bunch of DLC down the line. Complete edition or bust.

I only just realized that Kozlov is played by the Catheter Cowboy despite having rewatched the first season of JJ last week.

I will also point out that SotC is an amazing “audience game”. The animations and music during the giant fights make it quite thrilling even for bystanders.

“Let’s each do our own version of these ideas!”

How did you type this message while you were sleeping?

Holy Crap!

yeah but they got rid of the spicy nuggets. i was devastated.

“In time, you will know what it is like to have your myth busted. To feel so desperately that you are right and still fail.”

Now playing

Wait, we’re doing Black Flag glitches without the holy occurrence wherein the sinning pirate crew of the Jackdaw found the mercy of God and were gloriously welcomed into the Kingdom of Heaven?

Just because you’re not wrong doesn’t mean you don’t sometimes give in, it’s called being considerate of other people. It’s your right not to but that’s not even what I’m arguing. I’m arguing against attack the Sheriff for simply trying to get in touch with these people to let them know about the public anger about it.

Any investment in the future of our young people is a positive thing. Stop being such pessimist.

Man, in context of where it is in the movie (and in high quality) it’s one of the most memorable scenes for me. It’s definitely intentional and sort of awesome. By itself, it’s goofy looking though.

Let’s properly tweak those quotes for the TV spots.

So, it is currently an unknown variable.