
“Let’s make Destiny, but everyone is Iron Man.”

First thing I thought too. This is the second image that shows up on google images. It’s from the Resident Evil wiki. It’s clearly the exact same logo.

I remember that. It was around the time Ocarina Of Time came out. Even my 12 year old mind found that hilarious.


Watch the first five seasons. Then stop. Seasons 6 and 7 were kinda crappy, and 8 was irredeemable trash. The finale might be the single worst television episode I’ve ever seen.

You know what. My car is insured. If someone wants it so badly they are welcome to it. The ease of not having to find your keys when you have a wriggling toddler in one arm and all his associated stuff in the other sure makes keyless entry worth it!

I know it’s the uncommon opinion, but ACIII was my favorite. Playing as an American Indian and running through the snowy forests and cityscapes of Boston and Lexington, I had some real nostalgia. Felt right. Didn’t really like driving ships (not very Assassin-like IMO). Loved ACIII.

You could profile me, but I am also a wanker and I have zero following online. I’m also very boring. I do play nothing but Destiny and I don’t stream.

Maybe don’t profile me.

I was getting concerned that it had been over 24 hours since Deadspin’s last “that’s not how an elbow works... oh my gaawwwddd!” video

Slippery slope argument.

That bow technique D:

I’ve lived in suburban Chicago and Houston. It baffles me that anyone would voluntarily move to Houston. It us a garbage shit if a city filled with awful people.

I loved my Zune. Fuck the haters. They clearly never used one.