
“For me, a name is a shortcut of finding out what class a child comes from and makes me ask: Do I want my children to play with them?”

Vaguely Beige woman breathes:

Wow, how racist do you have to be to be considered too racist even for the Daily Mail?

Same. I may not be a fan of Turner’s but I see she catches major hell by other, so called liberals that is beyond disgusting. 

I don't agree with Nina Turner - but she did nothing to deserve that attack on Twitter. 

Just use the precedent the mandarin messiah abused: declare the climate change threat to be a national emergency.

“If you don’t support the LGBTQ community, you don’t support me. You don’t support my family and the people I love. So all you delusional and fake religious/self-righteous weirdos unfollow and unsubscribe.”

Everybody is colorblind until their daughter brings home a black man.  Nobody cares if your gay until their son/daughter comes out.

Barbershops aren’t safe spaces. People should stop with that lie. LOL. Ask anyone who’s ever been roasted in a shop. I’ve seen people get up and just walk out never to return because of the way the entire shop turned on them.

I used to be on this same shit with my gay friends. “You’re gay, who gives a fuck? I don’t”. But I got a wake up call some years back. My self and a bunch of friends went out, and at the end of the night one of my gay friends needed a ride home, so aight, cool. As we’re walking the many blocks to my car, these kids in

The fact that Kevin “I’d beat my son for being gay” Hart, of all people, has the fucking gall to ask why it’s a big deal for anyone to come out is one of the most infuriating things I’ve come across in a long time.

I used to be the same, with the “You’re gay, who cares?” I thought this was the enlightened approach. But that shit is the same as people who say they don’t see color. I don’t care, because my privilege allows me to not care if Lil Nas X is gay. But that’s a part of his identity and if he wants/needs to express it,

Wow, this guy is going to push his state’s educated workforce numbers through the roof! Imagine how much of an incentive this is for companies to move there in 16 years?! Atlanta better watch out!

He clearly doesn’t punch at Michael Jackson

Funny how when you punch down, you attract other people with a history of punching down.

Watching a slam dunk contest.” That is the greatest diss I think I have ever seen. 

Wait there are levels after the monkeys?