
Who’s kids are you talking about? My neighborhood is all white and bougie as all hell and NOBODIES teenagers have all that. Cellphones games sure (those are much cheaper than they were when we were kids), but UBER ACCOUNTS? Grubhub for lunch?! that’s some 1%er bullshit.

My only thing a single mom...I don’t like to go TOO far into detail about finances because my child is mature far beyond her age and she worries. We are far from broke and struggling but I keep a tight budget just in case a rainy day does come. I have noticed that my daughter says things like, “I won’t ask for

I am a LeBron fan. Love his work in his community and his play. But this seems like a stretch, I didn’t see him even acknowledge the guy. EDIT: ok yep saw a different angle and yea he knew the guy was there. Good. Don’t give his ass shit but a hard time.

Bill Cosby is being publicly lynched

C’est très bien, mais c’est très tard aussi

Beware of fiction that manipulates, too. I’m sick and tired of fairy tales, folk tales, sci-fi, and fantasy books (or movies) that use white/light to symbolize good or virtuous, while black/dark always means bad or evil. Authors continue putting this in new books and adaptations - even though there’s an entire rainbow

All the stars to you. That (un)original comment is the classic response we see too often when raising awareness of injustice. It needs to be removed from the oppressors’ talking points playbook, along with “It’s over now, so you should just move on (like it never happened),” “I personally had nothing to do with it

we declined most of the summer weddings we were invited to. i’m not trying to spend my summer weekends with you hoes.

...see, this article is why I stay off the root on my days off.

Goddammit. Fuck this entire story.

Lol wat

some of the pain is likely head and neck related, because as they were being encouraged to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, the ceiling was being lowered.

Red Forman will not be happy.

thumbnail caption: “man, i don’t know how moviepass stays in business.”

Man, what a bombshell to drop on Mom. I still haven’t told my mom how depressed I was as a teenager, and that the only thing that stopped my depression from self-harming was my anxiety and fear of death.

“surely munching on somebody’s potato salad sans raisins.”

i am definitely sort of crying right now.

Jezebel keeps telling me Chris Brown is a Nuanced Personality (TM), because although he seems to be an abusive misogynist and possibly a psychopath he’s also hawt and comes from Circumstances. So I just don’t know what to think!