Is it some requirement that every wingnut dickbag have a face that needs to be punched?
Is it some requirement that every wingnut dickbag have a face that needs to be punched?
I have searched for the last 30 mins and can’t find ONE article stating what was in the investigators report regarding this matter. As a matter of fact, every single thing I have read states the report is not released due to Yale policy regarding expelled students.
Do you have a link showing this investigative report you claim says this?
Well what would be harder, coming forward with the accusation, or setting up another hook-up the day after the rape occurred? If she has such guilt and worry over the stigma of rape that it took her a year, why did she have no problem meeting up with him the next day?
These are the holes to her claim and until they are…
Knowing that it took this much effort to come up with such a shit name, makes me want to even more dickpunch Simmons with a sledge hammer.
Well I think to justify an expulsion, you need more then an accusation. On top of that Yale comes under scrutiny for how it was handled before, during , and after the whole situation
Wait a minute, Your completely overlooking key factors that put to question this being a “Rape”. Factors such as her taking a year to come forward, that she came back the same day to sleep with him again AFTER the so-called Rape. You have her word vs his and while you would want to side with the girls version, her…
I’m confused, why does it matter who he sent it to? The context of the message (no remorse) is still the same correct?
Is this the first time someone got in trouble for quoting the bible?
What an absurd contract to give someone who has played in 7 games, 4 of them like shit
At least Denver knows he can evade a sack by a 5'5" dude
First and foremost he NEEDS a ground-game. He is the biggest dude at 145, at 155 he is not. Diaz took his best shots and walked right through them. This is going to happen to him until he develops a ground game. He needs to take 6 months and work on nothing but that. Get in the gym and get banged on by grapplers for 6…
How many steaming hot showers did you have to take to wash that out-of-touch/fake religious/greedy/lying ass people scent off of you when you got home?
You can see that the mirror which can be adjusted to aim high or low, changed angle slightly from the first photo to the second one. In the first photo the top of the mirror lines up with some of the print on the wall. In the second photo the mirror has been slightly tilted down which changes the black line
And 10 days notice for a fight is not? Give me a break, the much harder adjustment to make was Diaz with such a short notice fight.
When you get Conner’s nads out of your mouth you might want to also consider the fact that the 5th ranked fighter in his weight class took him on with 10 days notice. That fact completely negates your whine for McGregor about having to go up in weight
There is nothing better in the world then seeing arrogance humbled!
Umm...Where the hell is the Charge call on that? Impressive dunk but completely a charge
Here is the ironic aspect to this: