Understandable, look at the demographic and core IQ of NASCAR fans. Tells you all you need to know
Chris Rock is one of the worlds greatest communicators. He has a such a way of using humor to illustrate his point in a way that its easy to understand. You can’t listen to this and not realize how unfair it has been, all the while laughing while doing so.
Seen many more fights, with many more punches after someone was knocked out
Is she Transgender? All that make-up on that extreme foreheaded angular face, combined with a bony ass and skeeter bite breasts makes me think so
Do they have a projector hat? She could show a double feature on that fivehead of hers
His biggest mistake? He pulled a “McCain” and recruited a complete dickbag with mental issues as his running mate. Up to then, he was in the race
The person or company doing the transportation is directly responsible for it. Once it has been loaded the transportation of it assumes the risk.
Its a Cole day in hell when a cornucopia of Hamels can’t get into Heidi, and a Secret Victoria for the rest of us
Has her accusations been proven? I don’t know the story at all, so just viewing this from an outside position I can understand the courts decision IF there is no evidence or proof of what she has claimed. They can’t just say “oh okay your out of a deal you signed” because of unproven or substantiated claims. If they…
This is a real reach and comes across more as her lawyers attempting to slip in rumors to enhance her case. Just by asking questions like this with nothing to back them, it can taint someones opinion. If its a pass/fail based on attendance which she is responsible for, how does someone commit Academic fraud? Did…
Here’s an idea!
Ford claiming their all Aluminum F-150's were dent resistant and cheaper to repair when compared to conventional steel vehicles
That blonde likes brew? let me run a batch for her then
Well, Stick a finger up my ass, I am shocked to hear this!!
I would actually throw a party if someone did that
“Hmm...Man its getting tough trying to get publicity for a talentless wife, and the Grammy’s only come once a year so running on stage being a douchebag is out, plus its hindering my anal play...OH YEAH, I know how to keep myself relevent, slam on some chick, yeah that’s it!”
For the love of God, would someone please dropkick Kanye...Please!!
While he is open in the last picture by a good margin, that would only apply IF the ball was already in the air.
Unfortunately my job does not allow me to live on Deadspin in anticipation of one of your profound posts. I guess I am not gifted enough to ask someone if they want double meat.