
Yes! Hell if you are looking to Mamet as a template for creating conflict then you're most likely on the right path to real human drama. I have a feeling though lots of people on here defending the other comic shows wouldn't watch Oleanna and walk away arguing with their friends and family about who was right or

Gotta add that a few times they've made me cringe when they have Matt and Foggy arguing in front of a real estate person or a client. Just these guys went to Columbia Law and interned at the supposed best law firms around so they would have the polish to know not to do that. It's lazy writing that results in those

This is almost exactly what I have been wanting. No pop songs. No love triangles. People speak and listen to each other. Holy moly, writing! And some of the shots are fantastic. In the first episode alone I found myself smiling because they had sequences of silence and just a framed shot of 1-2 people sitting,

Zod? In S2 or the last one? Either way, snooze. The guy has no conflict. Or personality.

No nudity for her on True Blood.

The early 2000s Spider-Mans are unwatchable for this reason.

So looking forward to this. Damned "ooh" and "ahh" on Shield when they fight is so 1960s Batman.

Invective… you don't look so bad so here's some more invective.

Hear ya. Same feeling about superman. Least compelling person/alien ever.

Because priests are moral authorities? Oh wait, they're human. And having gone to a Jesuit school, they're willing to look the other way if they feel something is right, bible or laws be darned.

Whedon and Ultron probably will not equal dark. Just saying Whedon can't even produce a dark horror movie. The hype for Ultron will pay off with $$ but between the voice over guy who always comes across like a frotteurist and Marvel's unwillingness to ever kill off anyone, it's just gonna be a robot destroying

By adding a giant dose of silly writing and teen romance?

Long form TV can be much better. Films are so predictable. With a set structure and most filmmakers unwilling to deviate from the 3 act design you see where it's going from the start. You watch say, The Wire, and you never knew when someone was gonna get it. Or if a big event would simply never get resolved… which

Liked Lumen.

I'm not looking for dark for the sake of dark. Just looking for quality. Something an adult can watch and not feel dumber for the experience. It's impossible for me to enjoy The Flash because it feels like it's written for my 6 year old son. Hell, Star Wars Rebels, something he loves, has better writing and story

AMC is a network. So because they're cable they play by different rules on long form or look and feel? No. There was a time, like in the 90s with NYPD Blue or even the 80s with Hill Street, when networks didn't have a simple color palette, and all shows had a distinct look and feel. The sitcom were consistent

I hear that. I never got into the Italian gangster genre. From The Godfather on I've had a distaste for it. Something about it all seemed so cliche for me. It was well made. The characters consistently don't work for me in the mob movies. Probably too much exposure to the real thing through the years… lol

Which leads to - why is Walking Dead considered different from The Flash and Arrow? Why is it we can get an adult themed show there but Flash, Shield, Arrow, Gotham all have a safe, bland, network feel? The audience wants something adult and long form. They want to get pulled into something that makes them

Nothing hyperbolic about it. When the redhead in the Flash pilot gave her backstory about her husband it was a genuinely hysterical moment. That's the worst kind of TV writing. It felt like something from SVU/CSI… a character ejaculating everything to a random stranger.

Season 3 was by far the worst. Trinity Killer in S4 renewed my faith for a bit. Lithgow was at his best in decades.