
He needs to showcase it on Jay Leno’s garage. Oh. Wait...

Clocks with moving parts are for losers. I use my compass to orient my car in just the right position for my dashboard-mounted sundial to work accurately.

British Smiling White

Learning how to drive a stick shift is hard.

Wrong color.

That makes me happy. Having more fun, inexpensive, and reliable cars out there can only be a good thing.

Bravo Kristen! Great piece here. This is possibly what the world needs; regular people are required to help save manuals.

You be quiet. Heinz is awesome. I love how vinegary it is. A lot of ketchup is too sweet.

i have to think that if Duke had won, it would have been listed as

Grayson Allen must be kicking himself.

More than you can afford, pal.

+1 free night at la Quinta

And I don’t want the world to see me, indeed.

Good off the rails is when we get Riddler teaming up with Penguin for wacky awesomeness. Or how Captain Barnes abruptly turned into Judge Dredd and started screaming “Guilty! GUILTY!!!!” Or the entire glorious story arc of Barbara.

Ha. That’s not happening. Your wife is gone for good.

For me, it’s the young whippersnappers going by on their loud motorcycles or their loud souped up Subarus or whatever. Assholes.

Porsche brought back the manual for a reason...

*sees crazy thing has happened*

This on any reasoning against a manual.

Juuling. Congratulations teens, you now have an addiction. Take it from me, you don’t want this monkey on your back, because it never completely leaves. Ever. 30 years later and it’s still with me. It never leaves completely, you only learn to manage it after gut-wrenching hard emotional work, gallons of tears, and