
I am against calling them bullet trains. I prefer wizard trains.

All true, and airlines are just one of the most extreme and awful examples. The truth is that this kind of concentration has happened in loads of other industries over the last few decades. It’s why your ISP sucks and your mobile provider sucks and your health insurance sucks and...I could go on.

Hulk (Bruce Banner and Amadeus Cho)—Greg Pak

“Meesa been around this blockin twice now. Lookin for something. A clue. Meesa been lookin for clues and something leden me back heresa. Yeah. So heresa I am. It coulda been meesa, da one who was at Ringo’s place when the boomba went down. Hey. Meesa know how it is. Meesa been there. Weesa all done bad things.

“Hang on, let me pour this 64 ounce Coke into my lap. There. Ahhh, bliss.”

Everything is political. If you don’t see it, then you’re too comfortable.

On a really superficial level, it’s like mixing Star Wars with an indie rom-com (snarky humor and deep pathos), but that’s still a pretty weak analogy. It’s this amazing story of a young family torn apart by prejudice and conflict, but it never becomes a grand story of war and always keeps them as the central focus.

Playing Disney Infinity Star Wars content with my kids, there’s an Easter egg where he’s frozen in carbonite on Jabba’s wall.

Eat all the dicks, please.

So much fucking smoke. Eye on the ball. The question is fucking simple: when you were presented with the choice between Clinton or Trump what did you do? Did you whine like a little bitch and stay home crying with your Bernie bro friends on /r/sandersforpresident? Did you boldly make a statement and protest vote for

Jew, reporting in! Guess who has two thumbs, a futon, and endless empathy for a refugee narrative? *this mensch*

People hate the Warriors because Draymond is a dick kicking asshole and their bandwagon tech-bro fanbase is annoying.

I feel that way too, about this movie and Requiem for a Dream. #thanksbutnothanks

Did I miss it? Has Jezebel yet covered the news that Trump may be an *actual* Goldwater Republican?

The telling part is that Russia hacked both the RNC and the DNC. They only released the DNC information, which means they are blackmailing the Republicans to get their way. And as we all know Republican priorities are 1) themselves, 2) the party, and 3) the nation.

I think Gene Weingartner wrote a piece on how people who completely don’t mean to do so, leave their kids in the car.

I do get how people can do it (which was obviously not the case in this situation). When this happens, it’s not typically when they are taking a cross-country trip with their kids, it’s when they are going through the rote motions of their day. Have you ever gotten in your car to head to ____, but gotten halfway to a

I’m glad that the law has finally stopped looking the other way with this bullshit.